Sometimes trading feels a little uphill.....

Sometimes trading seems a little uphill.... maybe especially in the UK where things are a little uncertain at the moment...

Here are my thoughts about the different asset classes at the moment:

Shares: I'm currently in cash. I thought that this week I would get a BUY signal, but it didn't happen, so I'm staying in cash.

Property: I'm fully invested here

Gold: as above, I'm fully invested.

Commodities.Much to my surprise, no BUY signal yet, but I suspect it will happen soon!

Cryptocurrency. The currency that I follow is still on a BUY, so I'm fully invested here!

Bonds: I always remain invested in three different bond ETFs, one in GBP, one in Euros, and one in USD.

For more info, and to see the charts, have a look at the video above, it's only 90 secs long!

Have a great week. I'll catch up with you next week!


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