A false start in commodities?

Written Sat 2nd April 2016

For those of you who are interested in my weekly trading system, I've done a video for you today, summarising my views of the markets. There are two trades signalled: one is a BUY and one is a SELL. You'll have to watch the video to see what I'm up to!

[video width="1262" height="402" mp4="http://trendfollower.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/2016-04-02-Weekly-trades.mp4"][/video]


Don't forget that members of my website, in addition to getting more detail, in real time about my trades, also get access to my private members Facebook page, where I talk about my DAILY trading system. This is super-simple and takes no more than 5mins per day. This week one of my currency trades bore fruit - £516.26, to be exact! Here is a graph of the trade:2016 03 29 USD CAD




Remember, this information is all about what I do. It's not advice from me to you. I am just a normal guy, but I have spent years trading, making all the mistakes that everybody makes. I've certainly learned a lot along the way! If you would like to follow my journey, you might learn a thing or two!

Have a great week and I look forward to catching up with you in a weeks time!


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