What a week for gold!

Written Sat 13 February 2016.

Markets have certainly been moving this week! Here are my views of the asset classes of the markets at the close of trading this week:

Shares. I am very happy to be out of the markets with my international investment trust. This has fallen further.2016 02 13 shares 1

The other trust that I follow, a trust that invests in smaller companies, has also dropped, triggering a 'sell' signal. I will exit this investment on Monday.2016 02 13 shares 2

Property. The property investment trust that I use for property investment remains below its yearly average, so this portion of my portfolio remains in cash. 2016 02 13 Property

Commodities. This asset class remains stubbornly below its annual average, and so there is no buy signal here yet!2016 02 13 commodities

Gold. What a stellar week! Gold has moved upwards hugely and I have now invested my second tranche of money into this investment category, as the price closed above the average price of the past two yrs (ma 104). I am now fully invested in gold.2016 02 13 Gold

Forex: My four forex ETFs remain on buy signals, one of them in particular has done very well this week!2016 02 13 Forex

My daily trading system has been performing well this week, with good profitable moves in gold, shorting the DAX (German market) and going long Zinc. I have also done some weekly short trades, using my spread-betting platform, which should make me money if markets fall further. Members of my site have access to information about what, and when, I am trading, with all of  my systems, via a private Facebook page.  If you are interested in becoming a member, do get in touch!

As always, this information is simply about what I am doing, and should not be taken as financial advice from me to you. I have no financial qualifications. Regard it as 'entertainment', if you will! If in doubt, read my disclaimer.

Have a great weekend, and I look forward to catching up with you next weekend.




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