Selling property today!

In my multi-asset trading strategy I have  a signal to sell property (sell to close) today. In this strategy I do not short anything, I simply move to cash....

2015 09 30 Property






This is a monthly trading strategy, spanning five different asset classes: equities, property, commodities, bonds and gold. I am using a simple trend-following strategy that allows me to benefit from rises in prices of these different asset classes. Very simple to do. I have sold my holdings my property fund today, much more easily than selling a building! Trading different asset classes allows me to benefit from the variety of benefits that different periods of the economy produce. This strategy will protect me from massive draw-downs that make a simple buy-and-sell strategy such a roller-coaster ride!

But what fund(s) to use? How to benefit from pound-cost-averaging?  How do I do it and not pay any tax on the capital gain? These are issues that members will find out all about!


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